It’s a Zero Point Energy Nano Wand.
It isn’t magic what this pen-like wand does for you, but it is a specially built device that has many uses, with the major one being pain relief. There are other uses which I will tell you soon, but first I need to tell you how this is even possible.
How it works
The Zero Point Energy Nano Wand is magnetically-cased and built to house 35 minerals, locked in by high-heat fusion. Each mineral grain has its own shape and size, and when combined with the other minerals (through a catalytic conversion) it generates the spinning resonance we call ZERO POINT ENERGY. The makers of this wand wanted to go way beyond what is out there in the market today by adding something extra to the already amazing benefits of Zero Point Energy – a full spectrum of beneficial frequency patterns! Both these packed into a tiny, easily transportable, use it anywhere device.
Why are these frequency patterns so special you ask?
The set of frequencies used have been hand-picked for your body to use to promote homeostasis – “any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival” – Britannica.
If I were to pull just one item from the list as a quick example for understanding purposes, frequencies can be sound waves. They can work with your body’s frequencies to balance your body, your emotions and energies inside you. There are frequencies out there to (for example) that help you sleep and give you long detailed dreams, focus your mind for your studies, make you feel happier, be more productive, and even some that stimulate self-healing and help relieve pain.
Learn more about frequencies.
And that is all packed inside the wand…ready to be used.

As for benefits of the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand, it will allow you to help:
- Balance and strengthen the flow of energy in your body by releasing energy blockages.
- Positively energize the foods and liquids you eat, take notice of the increased taste and vibrancy with a simple stirring motion in or above the food/drink.
- Energize the environment in which we live – pets and plants love it!
- Energize your face/body creams and oils for better absorption of nutrients.
- Relieve pain and discomfort while encouraging self-healing.
- Stimulate bodily function and strengthen your immunity.
- Neutralize free radicals in your body.
- More listed below…
How to use the Zero Point Wand
The wand may be used in any way you find beneficial. If used correctly (don’t go poking yourself), it will not harm you. It will just help you or your environment. So don’t go worrying about using it too much or that it might kill your plants…cause it won’t.
Here are a few basic suggestions:

- Let’s start off with hygiene – keep it clean.
- Point the wand as closely as possible or lightly touch it to the area of the body/pet/plant you are choosing to work on.
- Rotate the wand around the area for 1-3 mins (length determined by amount of pain) in:
- Clockwise movement if you are located south of the equator
or - Counter-clockwise if you are located north of the equator (like in the USA).
- The direction needed has to do with the magnetic pull on the frequencies of what you are working on.
- Clockwise movement if you are located south of the equator
- Repeat as needed or desired.

- Let’s start off with hygiene – keep it clean.
- Point the wand as closely as possible or lightly touch it to the food or drink. If you can use a stirring motion or a pouring over the wand action, then do that. The energy is there, use it how you think best for this.
- Rotate the wand around the area for 1-3 mins (length determined by amount you want to affect it) in:
- Clockwise movement if you are located south of the equator
or - Counter-clockwise if you are located north of the equator (like in the USA).
- The direction needed has to do with the magnetic pull on the frequencies of what you are working on.
- Clockwise movement if you are located south of the equator
- Repeat as needed or desired.

Here are a few other examples of what else you can benefit from with the wand’s help:
- Use it on your face to help rejuvenate the skin cells by re-energizing the cells at a molecular level.
- Help improve your sleep patterns
- Decrease muscle tension
- Improve the positive chi energy of the body
- Strengthen the body and immune system against the detrimental effects of daily stress and exposure to electromagnetic pollution (like all your technologies…always in your pocket/your hand/near you and on you).

How do I know it works?
I know it’s effective because when I use the wand on my patients, they tell me how it works wonders! Whether it is just then when I finish the rotations or later that day (you know, everyone is made differently), they tell me they feel it relieving/fixing, and you will too!

Order your personal wand today and feel the difference for only $50!
You will receive 1 Zero Point Energy Nano Wand and a leather carrying pouch to put it in.
Nano Wand work is not a substitute for professional advice or treatment. If you are concerned about your health please seek medical advice from your medical provider. Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective compliment to conventional medical care.